RHAM 2016 Committees
Rodney Hansen – Chairperson; Joy Hansen; Chris Rantz; Michelle Lyle
- Secure ribbons for shows
- Ensures ribbons are at shows in office and in orderable fashion for exhibitors to access
- Takes ribbons home after shows and brings to next show
- Selects and secures awards for versatility winners
- Selects and secures awards for year end
- Provides announcer names for morning versatility winner presentations at shows
Sam Holwerda – Chairperson; Judy Beam
- Secure location
- Set date
- Secure caterer and determine menu
- Get invitations designed and out to membership
Mike Backus – Chairperson; Jim Harroff; Bill Damaske; Harry Rogalla
- Work in conjunction with Show Operations committee
- Secure cattle supplier for shows / clinics
- Ensures contract is in place for cattle for shows
- Responsible for cattle delivery and departure condition forms to be signed by both cattle supplier representative and RHAM cattle committee at each show/clinic/event
- Clinic cattle are sourced as needed for clinics; work in conjunction with the clinic committee
- Secure bedding and hay for cattle at shows
- Secure people to work in cattle pen at shows including:
- Feeding and watering
- Numbering cattle
- Organizing cattle for classes
Jim Harroff – Chairperson; Sue Nelson; Judy Beam; Christine Klug; Dave Dewell|
- Establish clinic schedule
- Poll membership for types of clinics to host
- Secure clinicians
- Secure facility for clinics
- Manage the signup process in a fair manner
- Set up and clean up at clinics
- Manage and report back to the board expenses, income and profits
Sam Holwerda – Chairperson; Sue Nelson; Judy Beam; Christine Klug
- Determine which tack swaps and expos are most beneficial for RHAM to attend
- Manage and report expenses for these events to the board
- Represent RHAM at the events and recruit other RHAM members to work the event
- Orders/stock paperwork for booths
- Membership forms – RHAM & ARHA
- Clinic flyers & registration forms
- Showbills
Annette Crandall – Chairperson; Mike Backus; Joy Bond-Jennings; Jim Harroff
- Solicit for sponsors/advertisers to offset expenses
- Generate ideas to engage membership to assist in bringing in sponsors/advertisers
- Provide the show announcer the list of sponsors/advertisers to announce during shows including details about each to help promote their business
- Store banners between shows and bring the banners to the shows
- Put up and take down sponsor banners in arena at shows
- Send thank you cards to the sponsors in a timely fashion
- Write editorials monthly for Saddle Up magazine
- Develop marketing flyer to promote RHAM and encourage advertisers
Show Operations:
Bill Damaske – Chairperson; Mike Backus; Rodney Hansen; Jim Harroff
- To be available shortly
Trail Patterns:
Mike Backus – Chairperson; Val Grimes; Annette Crandall
- Design trail patterns for shows
- Supply computerized versions of patterns for shows
- Ensure all obstacles are at shows
- Coordinate setup and take down of trail course
- Secure volunteers for trail as needed – person for rope and one to reset other obstacles as needed
- Walk through trail course with judges
Gina DeMeyer – Chairperson
- Ensure information on website it current and maintained
Nattalee Smith – Chairperson; Christine Klug
- Manage the RHAM Youth Representative program:
- Generate interest in program
- Select youth representative
- Secure crown, etc. for new representative annually
- Secure ‘thank you’ gift for outgoing representative annually
- Manage flags for opening ceremonies at shows
- Secure youth for flag presentation in opening ceremonies at shows
- Work in conjunction with Banquet committee on Silent Auction