2018 RHAM Advertising

A great way to promote your business is to support RHAM by advertising your business for our 2018 season.  RHAM is a charter of the American Ranch Horse Association.  We are hosting four shows in 2018.  Depending on level selected, your advertising can appear on our website and Facebook page, at our shows and clinics, as well as at our Annual Awards Banquet. 
RHAM Exposure Information:

  • Over 170 RHAM members
  • Over 300 people in attendance per show at our four RHAM shows from several states including Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Kentucky and Pennsylvania.
  • Over 1,000 Facebook followers

 Advertising with RHAM supports the funding of awards given to members throughout the year for their achievements.  Your advertising will reach the RHAM members, their families, our spectators, our Facebook page and our website visitors.  RHAM provides a variety of Sponsorship/Advertising opportunities to fit any marketing budget, full details available on the new RHAM Advertising form.

RHAM Show Arena BANNErs

RHAM Show Arena BANNErs