2020 Ride & Show Program
For the ranch horse member who enjoys the riding on the trails and in the woods, RHAM offers an alternative to show placement and points to earn awards and recognition.
The purpose of the Ride and Show Program is to encourage and reward casual, non-competitive riding. Any form of riding (trail rides, lessons, practice, and ranch work) may be included in your hours logged. All you need to do is nominate your horse, log your riding hours and you will qualify for awards.
This program is similar to the Horseback Riding Program AQHA has in place, and the ARHA Saddle Log program. The difference is that in addition to logging horseback riding hours per year, we also require participation at our horse shows (one class per program year). The goal of this program is participation: it doesn’t matter what breed of horse you have, or even if it has registration papers. RHAM’s Walk/Trot show classes are open to horses of all breeds, not just ARHA registered. The only registration requirement is that you hold a current RHAM membership and that you are registered for the Ride & Show Program.
At our annual awards banquet Ride & Show participants who have met the riding hours and the program show class requirements for the year, will receive an award recognizing their participation.
How can I participate in the Ride & Show Program?
Be a current member of RHAM (if you are not a member please complete your RHAM registration)
Register for the Ride & Show Program. A yearly registration fee ($35.00) is required for a one horse/one rider combination. You can register multiple horses for this program or multiple riders per horse. Awards are based on a horse/rider combination so each combination is to be registered separately. No substitutions of horse or riders are allowed.
Find the registration form and log sheets on the Forms page.A separate official Time Log must be maintained for each horse and rider combination enrolled in the program. All time figured is on a one horse-one rider basis and is on the honor system. Actual time spent riding shall be kept in full and one-half hour increments (i.e. 2.5 hours)
Complete the Saddle Log hours annually. These hours can be ridden at home, at horse shows, on the trail, or any other place you ride your horse.
Participate in at least 1 RHAM classes during the year. You just have to show in the class - places do not matter.
Submit both your Saddle Log and Horse Show Participation Log Sheets by December 31 each year. Participants should keep copies of all official Time Logs
Points and hours are accumulative. Participate each year and the awards get better and better! Once a horse/rider combination is inactive for two years, the record is deactivated and the enrollment fees and hours are forfeited.
Award / Recognition Levels are:
100 hrs – Certificate
250 hrs – RHAM Patch
500 hrs – Logo Mug
1,000 hrs – Ball Cap
1,500 hrs – T-shirt
2,000 hrs – Plaque
3,000 hrs – Spurs
4,000 hrs – Saddle Pad
5,000 hrs – Jacket
7,000 hrs – Buckle