The Board of Directors of the Ranch Horse Association of Michigan set these rules and regulations.
Section 1: Membership Fees
Upon purchase of a RHAM Membership, member agrees to abide by the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of RHAM. A RHAM membership is required to participate in a RHAM Event. (See Section 5)
Section 2: Disciplinary Procedure
Any member or non-member may be disciplined or suspended from the Association and may be denied all privileges of the Association by the Board of Directors, whenever it shall have been established by satisfactory evidence in a hearing conducted by the Board of Directors that such a member or non-member has knowingly and willfully violated any Bylaws or Rules of the Association. Anyone who becomes a member of the Association or becomes involved in a contractual agreement with the Association accepts to be bound by all the Bylaws and Rules of the Association and renounces to any recourse which he/she may have against the Association, so long as the latter acts in good faith in compliance with the Bylaws and Rules.
1. Whenever anyone shall be accused of any violations, he/she shall be given not less than thirty (30) days written notice of a time and place for hearing such accusation by the Board of Directors or by an appropriate committee, at such time and place he/she will have the opportunity, in person or by counsel to be heard and to present evidence in his/her behalf, and to hear and refute evidence offered against him/her.
2. When a member or non-member is disciplined or suspended, the name of such member or non-member may be published in the RHAM Newsletter and on the RHAM web site as a member not in good standing.
3. Any other disciplinary procedures regarding show conduct, abuse to horse, judge, show management, or contestants, etc. refer to the ARHA Handbook or your ARHA Show Representative.
4. Any person deemed not in good standing with the Ranch Horse Association of Michigan may re-apply for membership after 1 year of non-membership. The application for membership will be subject to review by the Board of Directors.
5. Any members or non-member may be suspended and/or denied privileges of the Association, or may be denied privileges of the Association by the Board of Directors of the Association for the failure to pay when due any obligation owed to the Association. Failure to pay will also include the presentation a non-sufficient funds check for entry fees, stall fees, office charges, premiums or any other fees, charges connected with the exhibition of ranch horses. Fifteen (15) days before action by the Board of Directors, written notice of the account due and the intention to suspend or withhold privileges of the Association shall be delivered to such members or non-member. Any suspension and denial of privileges under this section shall terminate upon full payment of the obligation due the Association. Every notice required by these rules and regulations may be served by delivery of a copy of the notice to the person to be served, or his/her attorney, either in person or by mail, postage prepaid, to his/her last known address as it appears on the Association’s records and upon mailing such notice, shall be deemed received by such person when it is deposited in the United States mail.
6. There is a $50 charge for all returned checks. Furthermore, any unpaid bills by a member or non-member (entry fees, stall fees, shavings fees, advertising fees, sponsor commitment fees, etc.) past ninety (90) days may be subject to disciplinary procedures.
Section 3: Conduct and Protests
Any complaint or protest must be in writing and filed with the Secretary. Upon receipt, all complaints or protests will be referred to the RHAM Board of Directors for investigation and recommendation. If, in the Board of Directors’ judgment, it is not sufficiently serious to warrant a full hearing, thereon, they will report the same with a recommendation for appropriate action.
Furthermore, the person filing the protest will be liable for the cost of such protest and all damages which may result there from, if the protest is not sustained. In the event the Board of Directors does not uphold the complaint, the member filing the complaint will be responsible for any cost incurred.
Section 4: Board Meeting
All meetings of the Board of Directors will be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 5: Exhibitor Requirements/Horse Owner Requirements
1. Every person competing in an ARHA approved class must possess and present a current ARHA membership card or copy of card issued by ARHA when making entry. An exhibitor that is not an ARHA member may fill out an ARHA membership application at the show. Horse must be ARHA registered, and owner of horse must have a current ARHA membership. Applications for horse registration and owner membership can be completed at the show. (See ARHA Rulebook)
2. A RHAM membership is required to show at any RHAM show; exhibitors must be a current RHAM member to show at any RHAM show. Horse Owner does not need to be a current RHAM member. Applications for RHAM membership can be completed at the show.
3. Failure to present card or copy of card will result in denial of entry.
4. A RHAM membership is required to be eligible for Year End awards. Points will not accumulate until current membership is paid for the year.
5. The Showbill may have specific classes that are not ARHA approved and have an exception to ARHA membership and/or horse registration. See the specific showbill for the show attending.
Section 6: Description of Divisions
1. A current RHAM membership is required to show at any RHAM event, regardless of division.
2. Open: Open to all contestants regardless of age or status who hold a current ARHA membership and show an ARHA registered horse.
3. Amateur: Must possess and present a current ARHA Amateur Card or copy of card and show an ARHA registered horse.
4. Novice Amateur: Must possess and present a current ARHA Novice Amateur Card or copy of card and show an ARHA registered horse.
5. Youth: Must be under 19 years of age on January 1 of current year, possess and present a current ARHA Youth Card or copy of card, and show an ARHA registered horse.
6. Novice Youth: Must be under 19 years of age on January 1 of current year, possess and resent a current ARHA Novice Youth Card or copy of card, and show an ARHA registered horse.
Section 7: RHAM Year End Circuit Awards
1. To receive a year end award the one horse/one exhibitor team must have shown in 3 of 4, 3 of 5, or 4 of 6, etc. shows based on total number of shows offered by RHAM. Exhibitor must be a member in good standing with ARHA & RHAM at the time of competition for points to count toward year end circuit awards. Points will not accumulate for Year End Awards until paid membership in RHAM.
2. Exhibitor must show in the nominated class 3 of 4, 3 of 5, or 4 of 6 RHAM pointed shows.
3. Points are based on a one horse/one rider combination per division. Open division is based on the points for the horse only.
4. Points will be awarded using ARHA’s point system.
5. High-Point and Reserve High-Point awards can be presented to the top (2) two point earners of each class and a certificate to the top five.
6. Year End Circuit Awards will be presented at an Annual awards banquet.
7. Special Achievement Awards may be presented at shows at the discretion of the awards committee and approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 8: Amendments or Additions to Rules and Regulations
1. These rules and regulations of the RHAM are voted on and ratified by the Board of Directors and need not be presented to the General Membership for approval.
2. Any changes to these rules and regulations may be presented by any member in good standing to the Board of Directors of the RHAM. Suggested changes will then be discussed by the Board of Directions. The final revisions will be discussed at the following meeting, voted on, and ratified. Any revised rules will be supplied to the General Membership through RHAM avenues such as newsletters, personal mailings, and website information or in rulebook format.
3. All interpretation decisions to these Rules and Regulations shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors and will advise the membership and committees as to the meaning and/or purpose of said rule in question.
Revised: October 29, 2023 Copyright © 2023 Ranch Horse Association of Michigan (RHAM). All rights reserved.